Monday, December 9, 2013

I did a blog looking at the question: Why do bad things happen?  

( ...and other versions also included, why bad things happen to good people.

At this point, let's look at why bad people happen to good things.

Most of us consider our nation as a good thing.

So, why did bad people happen to a good nation?  Now, I'm not talking about random 'badness' in random violence.  I'm talking about things most of us would agree upon.  I do not hesitate to say that 'bad' people happened to Germany the name of Hitler, or to Russia by the name of Stalin.

But, usually they are not termed 'bad' until it is too late to prevent the bad.

Most of us like to view people as 'good'. So, would a better question be: "Why do so called 'good' people legislate badly?"

We live in a nation "of the people, by the people, and for the people."  

Unless we've become much like so called 'communist' nations, of the 'dictator' variety, where the elections are fixed is instead widely believed that we choose or 'elect' those who supposedly represent us.

So, why do so called 'good' people legislate badly?  My understanding of the question, inclusive of the answer to it that they don't have a plumb line to judge 'good' by.

A nation who believes they can legislate more good than is plainly made clear in the Bible ...are departing from any strength and endurance they may have as a nation.

In the Book of Judges, when the people departed from God's ways, God allowed an enemy of theirs to have victory over them.

Very basic logic tells me that it could then be said that 'we' allow the enemy to have victory when we depart from God's ways.

What can be done?

In the Book of Judges, they repented and turned back to God ...and God gave them victory over their enemies.  Wouldn't it be great if we could repent before an enemy has victory over us?

The problem is, we often don't know who the enemy is.  It is often viewed that a person who believes in 'the Word of God' the enemy.  If you are among those who believe that ...then you are perhaps your own greatest enemy, or second to the Deceiver himself.

Do those who believe in 'the Word of God' make mistakes?


But, though an enemy is not defined as one who tries to correct their own mistakes ...we don't gain eternal benefits by trying to do it ourselves, merely looking at life as good or bad karma.  We have a friend in Jesus. And I believe that those who believe this will not be perfect, but will work hard to become a friend ...and iron out any problems, by solutions that do not contradict with 'the Word of God'.